Friday also rose sharply. After the surge, he said there would be a continuous positive line, but today he closed a long negative line. Will it be closed tomorrow?Today, the index has fallen by 2%, and the adjustment of the negative line has almost fallen. There will be a time-sharing backlash after the next exploration tomorrow, and I have already given a place in my article.Today, the index has fallen by 2%, and the adjustment of the negative line has almost fallen. There will be a time-sharing backlash after the next exploration tomorrow, and I have already given a place in my article.
Remember when he gave the lowest point of 327 points earlier? It really worked. Remember when he held out five fingers?Uncle said that there will be a daily limit of 1000 shares today, and there will be a positive line tomorrow (12.11).
Uncle Shanghai has been very angry recently. Hit once on the left and once on the right.